Photo Booth

Freya:Oh my gosh a photo booth!! We should totally take a picture!!
Waffle:My frame is too wide to enter the booth
Freya:I think mine might be too hehe! Only one way to find out!
Freya:Ooof! Hey Waffle, you think you could lend me a helping claw? This fatass of mine is stuck in the doorway hehe~
Waffle:Yes. I can give you a push on the count of one.
Freya:Good thinking! I’ll wiggle it to motivate you!!
Waffle:That will not be necessary. 3.2.1. Push.
Freya:*Cute moan* Ahh! How hard and forceful of you~
Waffle:I am sorry, I will use less force in the future.
Freya:Hehe don’t worry, I like it rough!
Freya:Man, even if you could fit in here there wouldn’t be any room between my thighs taking up the whole bench and my belly pressed up against the screen! Hehe, This must be how my plushies feel against my chest!
Waffle:Will you be able to take the picture?
Freya:I’m not sure. My belly’s blocking the screen and I think that’s how this thing’s controlled.
Freya:Hmm… Hey, I’ve got an idea! I'll try to suck in my belly and hold back my fat! That way, maybe you can reach in and press whatever needs pressed!
Waffle:Ok. I am able to interact with the display. Press. Your picture will be taken in 10 seconds.
Freya:Phew, that’s more exhausting than you’d think. Oh crap! What face am I gonna make? Uh, Umm… Oh! Waffle, stick your claw in here too!
Waffle:Is my claw in frame?
Freya:Try asking my belly haha!
Waffle:I heard a click. That must mean the picture has been taken.
Freya:It better be a good one cause my tummy doesn’t wanna go through that again!
Waffle:This is a nice photograph.
Freya:Yay! Let me see!
Waffle:Here is the photograph.
Freya:Hahaha, Look at my face! I look like one of those derpy laughing seals!! Oh! And it looks like you’re giving me bunny ears too hehe! I love it!
Freya:I’ll cherish this memory forever. And I’ll get to relive it everyday too cause I’m stuck!

I can't fit it all in frame hehe